Blog posts

[dt_fancy_title title="Grid, no background" title_align="left" title_size="h6" title_color="custom" el_width="100" title_bg="enabled" separator_color="accent" separator_style="disabled" custom_title_color="#ffffff"]
[dt_blog_posts type="grid" columns="3" same_width="true" number="4" orderby="date" order="desc" category="photography,video-music,technology,lifestyle,misc" proportion="3:2" padding="22" column_width="150" column_max_width="370" fancy_date="true" background="disabled" show_post_categories="true" show_post_comments="true" columns_number="2" loading_effect="none" show_excerpts="true" show_read_more_button="true"]


[dt_gap height="10" /]VC Element: "Blog Masonry & Grid"

Appearance: Grid

Gap between posts (px): 22px

Column minimum width (px): 150

Desired columns number: 2

Fancy date (px): Yes

Image & background style: No Background

Post proportions: 3:2

Posts width (px): Make posts same width

Number of posts to show: 4

Loading effect: None

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Show excerpts: Yes

Show "Read more" buttons: Yes

Show post categories: Yes

Show post date: No

Show post author: No

Show post comments: Yes[dt_gap height="10" /]

[dt_fancy_title title="Masonry, background, no paddings" title_align="left" title_size="h6" title_color="custom" el_width="100" title_bg="enabled" separator_color="accent" separator_style="disabled" custom_title_color="#ffffff"]
[dt_blog_posts type="masonry" columns="3" same_width="true" number="6" orderby="date" order="desc" category="lifestyle,photography,technology,misc,video-music" padding="5" column_width="200" column_max_width="450" background="fullwidth" show_post_categories="true" columns_number="3" loading_effect="none" show_excerpts="true" show_post_date="true"]


[dt_gap height="10" /]VC Element: "Blog Masonry & Grid"

Appearance: Masonry

Gap between posts (px): 5px

Column minimum width (px): 200

Desired columns number: 3

Fancy date (px): No

Image & background style: Full width image

Post proportions: [leave empty]

Posts width (px): Make posts same width

Number of posts to show: 6

Loading effect: None

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Show excerpts: Yes

Show "Read more" buttons: No

Show post categories: Yes

Show post date: Yes

Show post author: No

Show post comments: No[dt_gap height="10" /]

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